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His Story

Where It All Began

My name is Kanoe Gibson, and this is my story—a journey from brokenness to redemption through faith. Stepping out boldly, I set a lofty goal: daily posts for a year. As the online community swelled and lives were transformed, a remarkable surge in Bible literacy unfolded. Through this journey, my ultimate goal remains: to delve deeper, to know intimately the heartbeat of God, and to witness the profound transformation His word brings.

kanoe gibson signature

Heart Dive desires to provide

Bible Literacy

Despite the global effort to make the Bible more accessible there still seems to be a disconnect between the origins of scripture and understanding of the nuances and depth of scriptures.

Primary Languages in the BIble

and Counting Translations

Worldwide Christians

Relationship = You + God

Features of Heart Dive

What We Offer

Daily Content

Tune into Daily Videos & Podcasts! Dive into our videos and podcasts, unraveling the Bible’s wisdom in engaging sessions available for free on our platform.


Explore profound insights! The in-depth commentary Kanoe provides delves into each chapter, providing a deeper understanding of the scriptures.

Free Notes

Access comprehensive notes! Receive free copies of our meticulously curated notes, aiding your personal Bible study and exploration. Dive deeper into the Word today!


Join the Facebook Community: Connect and grow! The Facebook community for insightful discussions, shared experiences, and a supportive network.

Virtual Discussions

Get ready for candid chats! Join our laid-back, real talks diving into faith, life, and everything in between. No formalities, just genuine conversations.

More to Come!

Stay Tuned for More Content!
Exciting updates ahead!
Expect more enriching content
and opportunities to support our mission. 

heart dive logo with kanoe gibson formerly notes and hues on youtube _ black and white logo in rectangle

Kanoe's Sabbath (No Videos)

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